The miraculous adventure into the Natural History Museum of London and the peculiar findings of strange creatures in the Spirit Collection

 The Spirit Collection in the Natural History Museum of London contains many very interesting creatures that immediately catch my eye. Such animals were taken many years ago by famed scientists like Charles Darwin. Darwin collected a common octopus in 1832 near the Cape Verde islands and kept it preserved in alcohol in a jar. This same octopus with a vertical cut down the front of its body is seen in the Spirit Collection. Although, not only is there Darwin's octopus in this collection, but many of the animals he gathered and studied. The tank room in the museum stores dozens of different reptile, fish, and mammalian creatures. I find myself in true amazement looking at the yellowed jars and finding that they contain animals collected almost 200 years ago. Shown below is the octopus and tank room. 

The final exhibit of the Spirt Collection, and possibly the most mesmerizing, is the giant squid. This grand creature is almost 29 feet long. The fact that the museum was able to get such a creature is something to marvel at on its own. 

Even though the museum has incredible sights, there are a few minor critiques I have about their selection. The Spirit collection is truly incredible, but the online slideshow feels too brief. I believe I did not get the full experience that I would receive by going to the museum in person. For example, the tank room has so many different items and peculiar creatures to examine, but I cannot look at each individual one with the photo I am given. Also, as with most museums, the navigability of the website can be challenging. There is just so much of the museum to see that I do not know where to go on the website! It is still a sight that I truly recommend to anyone interested in gaining an extensive understanding of natural history. 


  1. What a marvelous post Jack, I really appreciate how you use a variety of photos to demonstrate what is included in the Museum. Also, I am impressed by how you used images to break up the text, to better pace and spread out the reading. You gave just the right amount of information and then did a good job critiquing

  2. Very detailed critique jack. I really enjoyed how you included the things you were interested in within the Natural History Museum of London, and what you think they could have improved on. I also think the jars of animals from hundreds of years ago was very interesting. The information you gave with the photos you entered will be very helpful when I choose the next museum I will attend.

  3. This is a great post Jack, and I like how chose to write and learn about the Natural History Museum of London. Specifically, about review on the Spirit Collection was great and I great about how it was hard to navigate throughout the website.


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